Why do I need a rangehood?

Without a Rangehood moisture, smoke and odours from your cooking can build up in your kitchen and home. In newer homes building materials and construction methods are very effective at keeping moisture out, but they’re also very good at trapping it inside. Opening windows is somewhat effective but it isn’t always an option – such as in winter or when security is an issue.

What can happen if my home isn’t properly ventilated?

Stale, moist air can create a damp home which can be unpleasant, not to mention unhealthy. Even when you can’t see the moisture, it can still be embedded in fabrics, bedding and wall linings. Over time wallpaper can peel and mould can grow, this can affect your health and cause structural damage to your house.

What is the law around extraction fans?

NZ Healthy Homes Standards for Kitchens – In any room with a cook-top, new fans or Rangehoods installed after 1 July 2019 must have a minimum diameter (including ducting) of 150mm or an exhaust capacity of at least 50 litres per second.

We’re fully up to date on all regulations surrounding Rangehoods and ducting and will make absolutely sure that all installations comply with the building code clause G4 ventilation and Healthy Homes Standards.

All private rental homes must have mechanical ventilation in kitchens and bathrooms that either have an extractor fan that vents air to the outside of the property or a continuous mechanical ventilation. Refer to link below for additional information: https://www.tenancy.govt.nz/healthy-homes/ventilation-standard/

How do I know what size/level of power I need?

It is recommended that a Rangehood should be able to replace the air in the room 10 times per hour.  Multiply the length of the room buy the width by the ceiling height. This gives you the cubic meterage of your room.  Multiple this by 10.  This gives you the absolute minimum airflow you will require. Please note this is a starting point and will need to be increased when doors and windows are added in the equation as they create air currents. 

Can you install ducting as well?

Yes! There are many options for ducting from your Rangehood, our team can help figure out the best option for your house and install it in compliance with the building code and Healthy Home Standards.